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Portfolio: Morgan Swain

I’ve had the opportunity to work on a number of incredible projects that I’m pleased to share. Not only do I enjoy showcasing my work, but also sharing details about the creative process behind each project. Feel free to browse through my portfolio!

Traditional Art

Throughout my artistic journey, I have experimented with many different techniques and medias. I have a great passion for creating traditional art, and have presented a variety of my creations below.

Digital Art

While traditional art brings me great joy, I also love to create stylised digital art. Below are some of the hand-drawn animations and digital drawings I have created.

A-Level Fine Art.

During my A-Level Fine Art course, I explored many different techniques, styles, and artistic medias. Please see below my explorations, experiments, and final outcomes for my projects.

Individual Pieces

I have selected a few pieces of art that I completed for my A-Level art courses which do not entirely correlate with the projects below.

A sketchbook page of a character concept design created for a Film Studies class. I tried to incorporate the character's personality and lifestyle into the costume. Due to the film being an action film, I decided to portray her with her hair tied up and a simple outfit so it is easier for her to quickly move and keep up with the fast-paced nature of the action genre.

A sketchbook page of life drawings I made when sat in a local park. I revisited the park multiple times, each time taking a different media with me and completing one drawing. I used pencil, acrylic paint, ballpoint pen, and watercolour.


A piece inspired by the Dada-era artist Hannah Hoch. Both the body and the hands are one-line drawings, with bright and bold colours added to create a contrast in the piece. 

When experimenting with collagraph prints, I transformed my unsuccessful prints using materials such as oil pastel, acrylic paint, acetate, and different patterns.

Project 1: Beauty Standards

In this project, I focused my pieces around 'Beauty Standards'. Please hover over the images below to see the plans and the final pieces.  I also created exploration pages where I experimented with how watercolour can be used in different ways for this project.


Project 2: Fairy Tales

For my Fine Art final piece, I decided to centre my project around Fairy Tales. The project required a large amount of research, exploration, experimentation, and hard work.


After researching different fairy tales and selecting 'Little Red Riding Hood', I collected a large amount of artwork based around this fairy tale. I analysed these pieces, and discovered what kind of setting, style, process, and colour scheme I wanted to use in my project.

After researching new techniques, I decided to experiment with papercutting. I planned out some scenes in my sketchbook, and started to explore papercutting. I also explored different ways of presenting these papercuts, such as pop-up books and tunnel books. I found tunnel books to be much more effective, and decided to use this method in my final piece.


When planning the compositions of my final pieces, I explored different designs for the wolf in my story. I explored both realistic and cartoon styles, and decided that a cartoon style would be much more effective in my piece. Using inspiration from some pieces from my research of the story, I decided that exaggerating certain features of the wolf gave it a much more cunning, evil character.

The final pieces of my project depicted the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood' through the technique of papercutting, each piece having  3D aspect, which I believe helped to make the pieces more immersive. The transparency of the back layer allows the piece to be viewed differently each time, and adds an interactive feature to the piece. Overall I was extremely pleased with the outcome of this project.

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